And now over to the other adventure!
As the headline is saying, i can almost call the last 10 days a holiday. It's been nothing else but perfect and beautiful!
Been looking forward since very long to be able to go skiing again, last two winters i haven't been home in time for it to be enough snow to ski on.
But 500km north from my town, in Bruksvallarna, Dennis and I found the snow again...
This little village is very popular for many skiing national teams to go for trainingcamps and such, since they have very much ski tracks and usually one of the first places where the snow stays!
So with a lot of good skiers to watch and get passed in the track from, we made some really nice days on the cross country skies! During the first half of our stay we got some more snow up there, and that put our knowledge in wax skies on a good test...
So, since we where at this place with good prepared tracks we thought we also should try skating (that idea might have got a little brighter the day we had 10cm snow stuck under the wax part on the skies...)
Another thing we decided to try, was to make a hike up the mountian, to the top house. It was a really nice walk, pretty hard at parts, and after passing the tree limit it suddenly felt 15 degrees colder and also 50cm snow deeper. So, we never made it all the way up, but got some amazing views, and as the competition persons we both are, we ended up finding this very nice steep hill someone thought was perfect for doing some snowy lactat sprints in...
Except from the ski training, which in this super beautiful surroundings didn't feel like training, it was so much time to just relax and do nothing then feel good, since you are far away from big cities and must-do's at home.. Thats why it felt like one big holiday i already miss!
But back to the must do's, there is a few things you don't get from, like cooking dinners.. And since we didn't break any legs or so i thought i should visit the doctor today anyway, to establish the fact I have a small tendon sheath inflammation in my right hand.. from whipping sauce to the lasagne we made one night... (tasted veeery good)
But could have been a lot worse, now i almost brought the winter landscape feeling home, since my arm sounding like the crashing from wet snow!
It's just a small thing what will get better soon, so today i was back for some nice powertraining at the gym, so now with tired legs i can also tell the ski training, if nothing else, atleast made my back very tired! and hopefully stronger ;-)