And in between trainings it's been busy (yes, still!) with geting the apartment in order. Stuff start to come together, furnitures and clothes on place and a coffe machine has now moved in too!
Today the morning started with a nice powertraining session at the gym and in the afternoon a good bikeride, where i got to be reminded of the extreme contrasts here. This summer in Girona it almost came to points where it was so warm i just wished for nothing else then snow and cold, and here i am, at the same roads, riding in full winter kit which i normally use at home in the swedish winter weather. Probably thats forgotten very quick when it's back to 40degress again in the summer...
So with some good training done and the remaining energy spended on house-fixing, i'm ready to go home to sweden on monday for some days of nice christmas atmosphere and celebration with the family. And finally i will meet my very longed-for best friends that also comes home to town during christmas!

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